


struct Call {
	bytes callData
	bool success
	bytes returnData
	Log[] logs


watcherAddress(address target) → (address)

Obtains the address of the watcher for target.

targetAddress(address _watcher) → (address)

Obtains the address of the target for _target.

watcher(address target) → (Watcher)

Obtains the Watcher implementation for the target address.

watch(address target) → (Watcher)

Starts watching a target address.

stop(address target)

Stops watching the target address.

stopWatcher(address target)

Stops watching the target address.

calls(address target) → (Call[])

Obtains all the calls made to the target address.

getCall(address target, uint256 index) → (Call)

Obtains an specific call made to the target address at an specific index.

firstCall(address target) → (Call)

Obtains the first call made to the target address.

lastCall(address target) → (Call)

Obtains the last call made to the target address.

captureReverts(address target) → (Watcher)

Starts capturing reverts for the target address. This will prevent the target contract to revert until disableCaptureReverts is called. This is meant to be used in conjunction with the toHaveReverted and toHaveRevertedWith functions from the expect library.

disableCaptureReverts(address target) → (Watcher)

Stops capturing reverts for the target address.