Custom types
type JsonResult is bytes32;
struct JsonObject {
string id
string serialized
Ok(JsonObject value) → (JsonResult)
Invalid() → (Error)
toJsonResult(Error self) → (JsonResult)
toJsonObject(Pointer self) → (JsonObject obj)
toJsonResult(Pointer self) → (JsonResult result)
toPointer(JsonObject obj) → (Pointer ptr)
isOk(JsonResult self) → (bool)
isError(JsonResult self) → (bool)
unwrap(JsonResult self) → (JsonObject val)
expect(JsonResult self, string err) → (JsonObject)
toError(JsonResult self) → (Error)
toValue(JsonResult self) → (JsonObject val)
toPointer(JsonResult self) → (Pointer)
getObject(JsonObject jsonObj, string key) → (bytes abiEncodedData)
Parses a json object struct by key and returns an ABI encoded value.
parse(JsonObject jsonObj) → (bytes abiEncodedData)
Parses a json object struct and returns an ABI encoded tuple.
isValid(string jsonObj) → (bool)
containsKey(JsonObject obj, string key) → (bool)
getUint(JsonObject obj, string key) → (uint256)
Parses the value of the key
contained on jsonStr
as uint256.
getUintArray(JsonObject obj, string key) → (uint256[])
Parses the value of the key
contained on jsonStr
as uint256[].
getInt(JsonObject obj, string key) → (int256)
Parses the value of the key
contained on jsonStr
as int256.
getIntArray(JsonObject obj, string key) → (int256[])
Parses the value of the key
contained on jsonStr
as int256[].
getBool(JsonObject obj, string key) → (bool)
Parses the value of the key
contained on jsonStr
as bool.
getBoolArray(JsonObject obj, string key) → (bool[])
Parses the value of the key
contained on jsonStr
as bool[].
getAddress(JsonObject obj, string key) → (address)
Parses the value of the key
contained on jsonStr
as address.
getAddressArray(JsonObject obj, string key) → (address[])
Parses the value of the key
contained on jsonStr
as address.
getString(JsonObject obj, string key) → (string)
Parses the value of the key
contained on jsonStr
as string.
getStringArray(JsonObject obj, string key) → (string[])
Parses the value of the key
contained on jsonStr
as string[].
getBytes(JsonObject obj, string key) → (bytes)
Parses the value of the key
contained on jsonStr
as bytes.
getBytesArray(JsonObject obj, string key) → (bytes[])
Parses the value of the key
contained on jsonStr
as bytes[].
getBytes32(JsonObject obj, string key) → (bytes32)
Parses the value of the key
contained on jsonStr
as bytes32.
getBytes32Array(JsonObject obj, string key) → (bytes32[])
Parses the value of the key
contained on jsonStr
as bytes32[].
getKeys(JsonObject obj, string key) → (string[])
getKeys(JsonObject obj) → (string[])
create() → (JsonObject)
Creates a new JsonObject struct.
create(string obj) → (JsonResult)
Creates a new JsonObject struct.
set(JsonObject obj, string key, bool value) → (JsonObject res)
Serializes and sets the key and value for the provided json object.
set(JsonObject obj, string key, uint256 value) → (JsonObject res)
Serializes and sets the key and value for the provided json object.
set(JsonObject obj, string key, int256 value) → (JsonObject res)
Serializes and sets the key and value for the provided json object.
set(JsonObject obj, string key, address value) → (JsonObject res)
Serializes and sets the key and value for the provided json object.
set(JsonObject obj, string key, bytes32 value) → (JsonObject res)
Serializes and sets the key and value for the provided json object.
set(JsonObject obj, string key, string value) → (JsonObject res)
Serializes and sets the key and value for the provided json object.
set(JsonObject obj, string key, bytes value) → (JsonObject res)
Serializes and sets the key and value for the provided json object.
set(JsonObject obj, string key, bool[] values) → (JsonObject res)
Serializes and sets the key and value for the provided json object.
set(JsonObject obj, string key, uint256[] values) → (JsonObject res)
Serializes and sets the key and value for the provided json object.
set(JsonObject obj, string key, int256[] values) → (JsonObject res)
Serializes and sets the key and value for the provided json object.
set(JsonObject obj, string key, address[] values) → (JsonObject res)
Serializes and sets the key and value for the provided json object.
set(JsonObject obj, string key, bytes32[] values) → (JsonObject res)
Serializes and sets the key and value for the provided json object.
set(JsonObject obj, string key, string[] values) → (JsonObject res)
Serializes and sets the key and value for the provided json object.
set(JsonObject obj, string key, bytes[] values) → (JsonObject res)
Serializes and sets the key and value for the provided json object.
set(JsonObject obj, string key, JsonObject value) → (JsonObject res)
Serializes and sets the key and value for the provided json object.
write(JsonObject obj, string path)
Writes a JsonObject struct to a file.
write(JsonObject obj, string path, string key)
Writes a JsonObject struct to an existing json file modifying only a specific key.