

topic(uint256 _param) → (bytes32)

Obtains the topic representation of an uint256 parameter.

topic(string _param) → (bytes32)

Obtains the topic representation of a string parameter.

topic(address _param) → (bytes32)

Obtains the topic representation of an address parameter.

topic(bytes32 _param) → (bytes32)

Obtains the topic representation of a bytes32 parameter.

topic(bytes _param) → (bytes32)

Obtains the topic representation of a bytes parameter.

topic(bool _param) → (bytes32)

Obtains the topic representation of a bool parameter.

topic(int256 _param) → (bytes32)

Obtains the topic representation of a int256 parameter.


Starts recording all transactions logs.

getRecordedLogs() → (Log[] logs)

Obtains all recorded transactions logs.