
Custom types


type Context is bytes32;



broadcast(address from)

broadcast(uint256 privKey)


startBroadcast(address from)

startBroadcast(uint256 privKey)


assume(bool condition)



startGasReport(string name)




Function to initialize and set the code of CALL_CONTEXT_ADDRESS.


broadcast(address from)

broadcast(uint256 privKey)


startBroadcast(address from)

startBroadcast(uint256 privKey)


assume(bool condition)



startGasReport(string name)


isStaticcall() → (bool)

Checks whether the current call is a static call or not.

setBlockTimestamp(Context self, uint256 ts) → (Context)

sets the block.timestamp to ts

setBlockTimestamp(uint256 ts) → (Context)

sets the block.timestamp to ts

setBlockNumber(Context self, uint256 blockNumber) → (Context)

sets the block.number to blockNumber

setBlockNumber(uint256 blockNumber) → (Context)

sets the block.number to blockNumber

setBlockBaseFee(Context self, uint256 baseFee) → (Context)

sets the block.basefee to baseFee

setBlockBaseFee(uint256 baseFee) → (Context)

sets the block.basefee to baseFee

setBlockPrevrandao(Context self, bytes32 newPrevrandao) → (Context)

Sets block.prevrandao.

setBlockPrevrandao(bytes32 newPrevrandao) → (Context)

Sets block.prevrandao.

setChainId(Context self, uint64 chainId) → (Context)

sets the block.chainid to chainId

setChainId(uint64 chainId) → (Context)

sets the block.chainid to chainId

setBlockCoinbase(Context self, address who) → (Context)

Sets the block coinbase to who.

setBlockCoinbase(address who) → (Context)

Sets the block coinbase to who.

setGasPrice(Context self, uint256 newGasPrice) → (Context)

Sets the transaction gas price.

setGasPrice(uint256 newGasPrice) → (Context)

Sets the transaction gas price.

expectRevert(bytes revertData)

Function used to check whether the next call reverts or not.

expectRevert(bytes4 revertData)

Function used to check whether the next call reverts or not.


Function used to check whether the next call reverts or not.

expectEmit(bool checkTopic1, bool checkTopic2, bool checkTopic3, bool checkData)

Checks if an event was emitted with the given properties.

expectEmit(bool checkTopic1, bool checkTopic2, bool checkTopic3, bool checkData, address emitter)

Checks if an event was emitted with the given properties.

mockCall(address callee, bytes data, bytes returnData)

Function to mock a call to a specified address.

mockCall(address callee, uint256 msgValue, bytes data, bytes returnData)

Function to mock a call to a specified address.


Function to clear all the mocked calls.

expectCall(address callee, bytes data)

Used to check if a call to callee with data was made.

expectCall(address callee, uint256 msgValue, bytes data)

Used to check if a call to callee with data and msgValue was made.

expectCallMinGas(address callee, uint256 msgValue, uint64 minGas, bytes data)

Expect a call to an address with the specified msg.value and calldata, and a minimum amount of gas.

expectCallMinGas(address callee, uint256 msgValue, uint64 minGas, bytes data, uint64 count)

Expect a number call to an address with the specified msg.value and calldata, and a minimum amount of gas.

expectSafeMemory(uint64 min, uint64 max)

Allows to write on memory only between [0x00, 0x60) and [min, max) in the current. subcontext.

expectsafememorycall(uint64 min, uint64 max)

Allows to write on memory only between [0x00, 0x60) and [min, max) in the next

snapshot(Context) → (uint256)

Takes a snapshot of the current state of the vm and returns an identifier.

snapshot() → (uint256)

Takes a snapshot of the current state of the vm and returns an identifier.

revertToSnapshot(Context, uint256 snapshotId) → (bool)

Reverts the state of the vm to the snapshot with id snapshotId.

revertToSnapshot(uint256 snapshotId) → (bool)

Reverts the state of the vm to the snapshot with id snapshotId.

addBreakpoint(Context self, string name) → (Context)

Creates a breakpoint to jump to in the debugger.

addBreakpoint(string name) → (Context)

Creates a breakpoint to jump to in the debugger.

addConditionalBreakpoint(Context self, string name, bool condition) → (Context)

Creates a breakpoint to jump to in the debugger.

addConditionalBreakpoint(string name, bool condition) → (Context)

Creates a breakpoint to jump to in the debugger.