
Provides utilities to interact with the filesystem. In order to use this module the fs_permissions setting must be set correctly in foundry.toml.


Reading files

Read files as string or bytes

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

import {Test, expect, fs, BytesResult, StringResult} from "vulcan/test.sol";

contract FsExample is Test {
    // These files are available only on the context of vulcan
    // You will need to provide your own files and edit the read permissions accordingly
    string constant HELLO_WORLD = "./test/fixtures/fs/read/hello_world.txt";
    string constant BINARY_TEST_FILE = "./test/fixtures/fs/write/test_binary.txt";

    function test() external {
        string memory stringResult = fs.readFile(HELLO_WORLD).unwrap();
        expect(stringResult).toEqual("Hello, World!\n");

        bytes memory bytesResult = fs.readFileBinary(HELLO_WORLD).unwrap();
        expect(bytesResult).toEqual("Hello, World!\n");

Writing files

Write files as strings or bytes

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

import {Test, expect, fs, BytesResult, StringResult, EmptyResult} from "vulcan/test.sol";

contract FsExample is Test {
    // These files are available only on the context of vulcan
    // You will need to provide your own files and edit the read permissions accordingly
    string constant TEXT_TEST_FILE = "./test/fixtures/fs/write/example.txt";

    function test() external {
        // Write string
        fs.writeFile(TEXT_TEST_FILE, "This is a test").expect("Failed to write file");

        string memory readStringResult = fs.readFile(TEXT_TEST_FILE).unwrap();

        expect(readStringResult).toEqual("This is a test");

        // Write binary
        fs.writeFileBinary(TEXT_TEST_FILE, "This is a test in binary").expect("Failed to write file");

        bytes memory readBytesResult = fs.readFileBinary(TEXT_TEST_FILE).unwrap();

        expect(readBytesResult).toEqual("This is a test in binary");

Other operations

Obtain metadata and check if file exists

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

import {Test} from "vulcan/test.sol";
import {expect} from "vulcan/test/Expect.sol";
import {fs, FsMetadata} from "vulcan/test/Fs.sol";
import {BoolResult} from "vulcan/test/Result.sol";

contract FsExample is Test {
    // These files are available only on the context of vulcan
    // You will need to provide your own files and edit the read permissions accordingly
    string constant READ_EXAMPLE = "./test/fixtures/fs/read/hello_world.txt";
    string constant NOT_FOUND_EXAMPLE = "./test/fixtures/fs/read/lkjjsadflkjasdf.txt";

    function test() external {
        FsMetadata memory metadata = fs.metadata(READ_EXAMPLE).expect("Failed to get metadata");

        bool exists = fs.fileExists(READ_EXAMPLE).unwrap();

        exists = fs.fileExists(NOT_FOUND_EXAMPLE).unwrap();

Fs API reference