set(string name, string value)
sets the value of the environment variable with name name
to value
getBool(string name) → (bool)
Reads the environment variable with name name
and returns the value as bool
getUint(string name) → (uint256)
Reads the environment variable with name name
and returns the value as uint256
getInt(string name) → (int256)
Reads the environment variable with name name
and returns the value as int256
getAddress(string name) → (address)
Reads the environment variable with name name
and returns the value as address
getBytes32(string name) → (bytes32)
Reads the environment variable with name name
and returns the value as bytes32
getString(string name) → (string)
Reads the environment variable with name name
and returns the value as string
getBytes(string name) → (bytes)
Reads the environment variable with name name
and returns the value as bytes
getBoolArray(string name, string delim) → (bool[])
Reads the environment variable with name name
and returns the value as bool[]
getUintArray(string name, string delim) → (uint256[])
Reads the environment variable with name name
and returns the value as uint256[]
getIntArray(string name, string delim) → (int256[])
Reads the environment variable with name name
and returns the value as int256[]
getAddressArray(string name, string delim) → (address[])
Reads the environment variable with name name
and returns the value as address[]
getBytes32Array(string name, string delim) → (bytes32[])
Reads the environment variable with name name
and returns the value as bytes32[]
getStringArray(string name, string delim) → (string[])
Reads the environment variable with name name
and returns the value as string[]
getBytesArray(string name, string delim) → (bytes[])
Reads the environment variable with name name
and returns the value as bytes[]
getBool(string name, bool defaultValue) → (bool value)
Reads the environment variable with name name
and returns the value as bool
getUint(string name, uint256 defaultValue) → (uint256 value)
Reads the environment variable with name name
and returns the value as uint256
getInt(string name, int256 defaultValue) → (int256 value)
Reads the environment variable with name name
and returns the value as int256
getAddress(string name, address defaultValue) → (address value)
Reads the environment variable with name name
and returns the value as address
getBytes32(string name, bytes32 defaultValue) → (bytes32 value)
Reads the environment variable with name name
and returns the value as bytes32
getString(string name, string defaultValue) → (string value)
Reads the environment variable with name name
and returns the value as string
getBytes(string name, bytes defaultValue) → (bytes value)
Reads the environment variable with name name
and returns the value as bytes
getBoolArray(string name, string delim, bool[] defaultValue) → (bool[] value)
Reads the environment variable with name name
and returns the value as bool[]
getUintArray(string name, string delim, uint256[] defaultValue) → (uint256[] value)
Reads the environment variable with name name
and returns the value as uint256[]
getIntArray(string name, string delim, int256[] defaultValue) → (int256[] value)
Reads the environment variable with name name
and returns the value as int256[]
getAddressArray(string name, string delim, address[] defaultValue) → (address[] value)
Reads the environment variable with name name
and returns the value as address[]
getBytes32Array(string name, string delim, bytes32[] defaultValue) → (bytes32[] value)
Reads the environment variable with name name
and returns the value as bytes32[]
getStringArray(string name, string delim, string[] defaultValue) → (string[] value)
Reads the environment variable with name name
and returns the value as string[]
getBytesArray(string name, string delim, bytes[] defaultValue) → (bytes[] value)
Reads the environment variable with name name
and returns the value as bytes[]