

Accounts module for scripts

readStorage(address who, bytes32 slot) → (bytes32)

Reads the storage at the specified slot for the given who address and returns the content.

sign(uint256 privKey, bytes32 digest) → (uint8, bytes32, bytes32)

Signs the specified digest using the provided privKey and returns the signature in the form of (v, r, s).

derive(uint256 privKey) → (address)

Derives the Ethereum address corresponding to the provided privKey.

deriveKey(string mnemonicOrPath, uint32 index) → (uint256)

Derives the private key corresponding to the specified mnemonicOrPath and index.

deriveKey(string mnemonicOrPath, string derivationPath, uint32 index) → (uint256)

Derives the private key corresponding to the specified mnemonicOrPath, derivationPath, and index.

rememberKey(uint256 privKey) → (address)

Adds the specified privKey to the local forge wallet.

getNonce(address who) → (uint64)

Returns the current nonce of the specified who address.


Starts recording all storage reads and writes for later analysis.

getStorageAccesses(address who) → (bytes32[] reads, bytes32[] writes)

Obtains an array of slots that have been read and written for the specified address who.

label(address who, string lbl) → (address)

Adds a label to the specified address who for identification purposes in debug traces.

create() → (address)

Creates an address without label.

create(string name) → (address)

Creates an address using the hash of the specified name as the private key and adds a label to the address.

create(string name, string lbl) → (address)

Creates an address using the hash of the specified name as the private key and adds a label to the address.

getDeploymentAddress(address who, uint64 nonce) → (address)

Calculates the deployment address of who with nonce nonce.

getDeploymentAddress(address who) → (address)

Calculates the deployment address of who with the current nonce.

createMany(uint256 length) → (address[])

Generates an array of addresses with a specific length.

createMany(uint256 length, string prefix) → (address[])

Generates an array of addresses with a specific length and a prefix as label. The label for each address will be {prefix}_{i}.


Accounts module for tests

stdStore() → (StdStorage s)

readStorage(address who, bytes32 slot) → (bytes32)

sign(uint256 privKey, bytes32 digest) → (uint8, bytes32, bytes32)

derive(uint256 privKey) → (address)

deriveKey(string mnemonicOrPath, uint32 index) → (uint256)

deriveKey(string mnemonicOrPath, string derivationPath, uint32 index) → (uint256)

rememberKey(uint256 privKey) → (address)

getNonce(address who) → (uint64)


getStorageAccesses(address who) → (bytes32[] reads, bytes32[] writes)

label(address who, string lbl) → (address)

create() → (address)

create(string name) → (address)

create(string name, string lbl) → (address)

getDeploymentAddress(address who, uint64 nonce) → (address)

Calculates the deployment address of who with nonce nonce.

getDeploymentAddress(address who) → (address)

Calculates the deployment address of who with the current nonce.

setStorage(address self, bytes32 slot, bytes32 value) → (address)

Sets the specified slot in the storage of the given self address to the provided value.

setNonce(address self, uint64 n) → (address)

Sets the nonce of the given self address to the provided value n. It will revert if

setNonceUnsafe(address self, uint64 n) → (address)

Sets the nonce of the given self address to the arbitrary provided value n.

impersonateOnce(address self) → (address)

Sets the msg.sender of the next call to self.

impersonate(address self) → (address)

impersonateOnce(address self, address origin) → (address)

Sets the msg.sender of the next call to self and the tx.origin to origin.

impersonate(address self, address origin) → (address)

Sets the msg.sender and tx.origin of all the subsequent calls to self and origin respectively until stopImpersonate is called.


setBalance(address self, uint256 bal) → (address)

Sets the balance of an address and returns the address that was modified.

mintToken(address self, address token, uint256 amount) → (address)

Mints an amount of tokens to an address. This operation modifies the total supply of the token. self The address that will own the tokens. token The token to mint. amount The amount of tokens to mint.

burnToken(address self, address token, uint256 amount) → (address)

Burns an amount of tokens from an address. This operation modifies the total supply of the token. self The address that owns the tokens. token The token to burn. amount The amount of tokens to burn.

setTokenBalance(address self, address token, uint256 bal) → (address)

Sets the token balance of an address.

setCode(address self, bytes code) → (address)

Sets the code of an address.

createMany(uint256 length) → (address[])

Generates an array of addresses with a specific length.

createMany(uint256 length, string prefix) → (address[])

Generates an array of addresses with a specific length and a prefix as label. The label for each address will be {prefix}_{i}.