
Custom types


type Fork is uint256;

Holds a fork's id.


create(string nameOrEndpoint) → (Fork)

Create a new fork using the provided endpoint.

createAtBlock(string nameOrEndpoint, uint256 blockNumber) → (Fork)

Create a new fork using the provided endpoint at a given block number.

createBeforeTx(string nameOrEndpoint, bytes32 txHash) → (Fork)

Create a new fork using the provided endpoint at a state right before the provided transaction hash.

select(Fork self) → (Fork)

Set the provided fork as the current active fork.

active() → (Fork)

Get the current active fork.

setBlockNumber(Fork self, uint256 blockNumber) → (Fork)

Set the block number of the provided fork.

beforeTx(Fork self, bytes32 txHash) → (Fork)

Set the provided fork to the state right before the provided transaction hash.

persistBetweenForks(address self) → (address)

Make the state of the provided address persist between forks.

persistBetweenForks(address who1, address who2)

Make the state of the provided addresses persist between forks.

persistBetweenForks(address who1, address who2, address who3)

Make the state of the provided addresses persist between forks.

persistBetweenForks(address[] whos)

Make the state of the provided addresses persist between forks.

stopPersist(address who) → (address)

Revoke the persistent state of the provided address.

stopPersist(address[] whos)

Revoke the persistent state of the provided addresses.

isPersistent(address who) → (bool)

Check if the provided address is being persisted between forks.

allowCheatcodes(address who) → (address)

Allow cheatcodes to be used by the provided address in forking mode.

executeTx(bytes32 txHash)

Executes an existing transaction in the current active fork.

executeTx(Fork self, bytes32 txHash) → (Fork)

Executes an existing transaction in the provided fork.