
Development framework for Foundry projects, with a focus on developer experience and readability.

Built on top of forge-std

Initially, Vulcan will provide functionality similar to what is already included in forge's VM and forge-std.

Over time, Vulcan will grow to include more functionality and utilities, eventually becoming a feature-rich development framework.

Why Vulcan?

Our goal is to provide:

  • Better naming for VM functionality (no more prank, roll, warp, ...)
  • A testing framework with better readability and a familiar syntax
  • Improved ergonomics
  • Huff language support out of the box

Vulcan test example:

import { Test, expect, commands, Command, CommandResult, println } from "vulcan/test.sol";

contract TestSomething is Test {

    function testSomething() external {
        // Format strings with rust-like syntax
        println("Hello {s}", abi.encode("world!")); // Hello world!

        // Format numbers as decimals
        println("Balance: {u:d18}", abi.encode(1e17)); // Balance: 0.1

        // Nice external command API!
        Command memory ping = commands.create("ping").args(["-c", "1"]);
        CommandResult pingResult = ping.arg("").run();

        // Rust-like results
        bytes memory pingOutput = pingResult.expect("Ping command failed").stdout;

        println("Ping result: {s}", abi.encode(pingOutput));

        // Expect style assertions!

        // And much more!

Planned Features

  • Mocking framework
  • Deployment management framework


At this stage we are looking for all kinds of feedback, as the general direction of the project is not fully defined yet. If you have any ideas to improve naming, ergonomics, or anything else, please open an issue or a PR.